Sunday, March 29, 2020
Keseys Purpose In One Flew Over The Cuckoos Essays - Randle McMurphy
Kesey's Purpose In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Kesey's purpose/ Message Ken Kesey's One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest is a multidimensional novel with many important messages in which Kesey strives to relay to the readers. Kesey did not write this novel for the sole purpose of entertainment, even though it was very entertaining, but did write it with the intent to show the readers many realities of life. First of all Kesey shows in this book that how people are perceived in society may not really be how that person is and that things are sometimes different than what they seem. Secondly Kesey sends the message that a single person can be significant and make a difference in other peoples lives, and finally Kesey shows readers that the spirit a person has can live on and make a difference even when that person is gone. One message relayed by Kesey is the fact that in society people who may be thought of as good people who are trying to help (nurse Ratched), and people who are considered bad people by society (McMurphy, Acutes), may in reality be the opposite of what they seem. Just because society puts a label on people doesn't necessarily mean it's true. In this novel Kesey shows the true evil of nurse Ratched. He shows in detail the way she mechanically tares the men's courage, pride and eventually all of their manhood down to nothing. She even goes so far as to driving two men to suicide. Outside of the ward the Big Nurse is perceived as a good person and as someone who has dedicated her life to helping others. This view of nurse Ratched is reflected in the awards won by the ward that she has total control over and also by the Public relations man who guides a group of people through the ward telling them how nice of a place this is and how far these institutes have come. Readers of this book are show that in reality the Big Nurse is not the caring women that she is thought to be but that she is the opposite of that. The opposite of this is shown in McMurphy. McMurphy is thought to be a bad person because he gambles, smokes, drinks, has sex, and was put in jail for violence. The readers of this novel realize that McMurphy is really trying to help the other men and is willing to sacrifice pain, suffering and eventually a lobotomy and death for the benefit of the rest of the men. McMurphy is not the bad person that the outside world sees. Secondly Kesey intends to show the reader that a single person is significant and can make a difference. A single person can inspire and motivate (McMurphy) and also oppress and control people(Nurse Ratched). When McMurphy came onto the ward all of the Acutes worked against each other, never stood up for themselves and were terribly frightened of the Big Nurse. Nurse Ratched was strong enough to tare down the manhood of all of the men, put fear in them, and to totally control their lives. McMurphy, eventually with his own strength, single handily made the men realize that they aren't too weak to take control over their lives and to stand up to Nurse Ratched. McMurphy inspired the men to the point were they took control back in their lives and eventually worked together, left the ward and or stood up to the no longer so powerful Nurse Ratched. McMurphy showed that it was not impossible to beat the seemingly invincible Big Nurse. McMurphy helped change the lives of most of the men on the ward when it seemed they were in a situation were change was not possible. Kesey finally shows readers that even after a person is gone the strength and spirit of that person can live on and make a profound difference. McMurphy had so much strength and spirit and was so big in the eyes of the Acutes that even after he was dead his spirit stayed with the men. Nurse Ratched thought that by giving McMurphy a lobotomy and by taking away a man who was like a god to the Acutes she would regain all of her control and put fear back into the men. What she did not realize was all of McMurphy's strength, courage and spirit would stay with the men. McMurphy , even after he
Saturday, March 7, 2020
How Much Air Force One Cost
How Much Air Force One Cost Air Force One, the aircraft that transports the president of the United States, cost about $2 billion to build and more than $200,000 to fly, according to federal spending records and published reports. Taxpayers pay for some or all of the Air Force One cost regardless of whether the presidents airplane is used for official trips or unofficial, political purposes. The two newest Air Force One airplanes, both models 747-8, are being outfitted by Boeing at a combined cost of about $3.9 billion and were to take flight in 2021. The White House determines whether use of Air Force One is for official or political purposes. Many times the Boeing 747 is used for a combination of events. Specific Air Force One Costs The $200,000-plus hourly Air Force One cost covers everything from fuel, maintenance, engineering support, food and lodging for the pilots and crew and other operational costs that include the use of special communications equipment. In addition to the hourly cost of Air Force One, taxpayers cover salaries for Secret Service staff and other assistants who travel with the president. Occasionally, when there are more than 75 people traveling with the president, the federal government will use a second passenger airplane to accommodate them. What is an Official Trip? Perhaps the most common example of official Air Force One use by the president is traveling across the United States to explain and win support for his administrations policies. Another is traveling overseas on official state business to meet with foreign leaders, such as President Barack Obamas 2010 trip on Air Force One to India. When a president travels on official business, taxpayers cover all Air Force One costs including food, lodging and car rentals, according to the Congressional Research Service. During official trips taxpayers also cover the cost of travel for the presidents immediate family and staff. What is a Political Trip? The most common example of a political trip on Air Force One is when the president travels to a destination in his role not as commander-in-chief but as de facto leader of his political party. Such travel would be to attend fundraisers, campaign rallies or party events. On the campaign trail, Obama and other presidential nominees have also gotten to use armored buses that cost more than $1 million each. When Air Force One is used for political purposes, the president often reimburses the government for the cost of food, lodging and travel. The president or his election campaign pays back an amount that is equivalent of the airfare that they would have paid had they used a commercial airline, according to the Congressional Research Service. According to The Associated Press, though, the president or his campaign does not pay for the entire Air Force One operation cost. They pays an amount that is based on the number of people board the airplane. Taxpayers still pick up the cost of Secret Service agents and the operation of Air Force One. Political and Officials Trips The a president and his family and staff travel on Air Force One for a combination of political and officials purposes, they typically reimburse taxpayers for the part of the trip that is considered campaigning. For example, if half of the presidents trip is spent raising money for his or another officials election, he or his campaign will reimburse taxpayers for half the cost of his travel, food and lodging. There are gray areas, of course. When they travel and appear in public to defend their policy positions, the difference between their official duties and their activities as leaders of their political party can be difficult to assess, the Congressional Research Service state. As a result, the White House decides the nature of travel on a case-by-case basis, attempting to determine whether each trip, or part of a trip, is or is not official by considering the nature of the event involved, and the role of the individual involved.
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