Friday, January 3, 2020
Breast Feeding And Bottle Feeding - 2724 Words
Breast Feeding and Bottle Feeding in Relation to Nursing Practice By Stephen Samson 201201274 Presented to Dr. Judith Cormier Nursing 355:10 Perinatal Nursing Department of Nursing St. Francis Xavier University October 7, 2014 Abstract Research has shown that nursing implications have an impact on breast-feeding and bottle-feeding; the main three aspects that allow nurses to have an impact are teaching, collaboration, and support. Under these three sections there will be discussion about the benefits and the risk of Brest/bottle feeding, ho teaching promotes understanding, how the community supports and specialist help with the promotion of breast feeding, and how nurses can use the social determinates of health to promote the well being of there clients. Breast-feeding versus bottle feeding In the paper I will be disscussing breast-feeding / bottle feeding, and the implications towards nursing practice. As nurses there is three main things that we can do to help mothers with, the teaching aspect towards breast-feeding vs bottle feeding, the collaboration aspect, and also the support needed to continue breast-feeding. The purpose of this paper is to identify the stigmas attached to breast-feeding, to view the family beliefs, to see the effects of family support, and the understanding of why knowledge is necessary for breast-feeding. i will also talk about specific social determinants of health that impact on the ability to breast-feed. TheShow MoreRelatedBreast Feeding Versus Bottle Feeding886 Words  | 4 PagesBreast Feeding Versus Bottle Feeding There are many different myths and opinions about breast-feeding and how it is beneficial for a child, some women and even men choose to view the breast as a sexual object, although in reality it is meant for the purpose of nourishing an infant. As for the other half of women around the world, many believe breast-feeding is the most natural way to feed a child as they receive the vitamins and minerals a youngster needs to grow up strong. Breast-Feeding and BottleRead MoreBreast Feeding vs Bottle Feeding2073 Words  | 9 PagesBreastfeeding versus Formula Feeding Your family is expecting a newborn baby within the next couple of months. This event in someone’s life will change their lives forever and can be a very exciting and exhausting change. Although you may be excited and impatient for the baby’s arrival, this event can cause a lot of stress on the family. While your lives are completely changing; there are things you need to do to prepare yourself and there are many important decisions that need to be made. DecisionsRead MoreBreast Feeding versus Bottle Feeding562 Words  | 2 Pagesrelevant facts. Feeding a baby could be done either as breast feeding or bottle feeding. Breast feeding is the feeding of a baby directly from the breast milk of a female human breast whereas bottle feeding is referred to as feeding a baby with milk from a nursing bottle. Many people argue that breast feeding is the most beneficial way of feeding a baby. In contrast to this view, others argue that there is not any real significant differe nce between breast feeding and bottle feeding. Therefore, inRead MoreBreast Feeding Vs. The Bottle1326 Words  | 6 PagesBreast-feeding vs. The Bottle: The Decision is yours â€Å"Some mothers have to give up breastfeeding even though they want to breastfeed. To give up breastfeeding can be a sensitive issue in a time when breastfeeding is promoted as the healthiest for mother and child†(Larsen Kronborg, 2013, p. 848). The debate over whether breast-feeding is better than bottle-feeding or vice versa has been a debate for many years. 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Unlike formula feeding, the benefits of breastfeeding are substantial for both mother and baby. Moreover, choosing to breastfeed will lead to brighter, happier, and healthier lives. Infant nutrition is vital for growth and development. According to a Web page posted by KidsHealth, â€Å"Breast milk contains antibodies, lactose, protein, and fat†¦,†which areRead MoreDoe Assignment11278 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ Breast Feeding Vs Bottle Feeding Controversy Jane Doe CHFD 308 American Public University Dr. John DoeBreast Feeding Vs Bottle Feeding Controversy This essay is about the breast feeding vs bottle feeding controversy. Are you depriving your infant of nutrients they need if you chose to bottle feed? Will your child be unhealthy if you chose not to breast feed? Some women feel like breast feeding is always better, some women feel like bottle feeding is just the same. Breast feeding is usuallyRead MoreThe Benefits Of Breast Feeding902 Words  | 4 Pages The Benefits of Breast Feeding Since the invention of formula mothers have had trouble deciding how best to go about feeding their children. Each mother has their own preferred feeding technique, some of whom chose to use both feeding methods depending on the situation. For some mothers breast feeding is not a viable option for reasons such as lactation issues, busy schedules, and secondary care givers (Health Psychology). For those mothers whom are able and willing to breast feed their infantsRead MoreBreast Feding vs. Formula Feeding862 Words  | 4 PagesBreast Feeding vs. Formula Feeding There are advantages and disadvantages to both breastfeeding and formula feeding. Some things to consider when deciding which to choose are: cost, convenience, nutrition, and the health benefits to both the baby and to the mother. In terms of cost, an advantage to breastfeeding is that breast milk is free. Its estimated that breastfeeding can save you thousands of dollars a year, depending on the brand of formula that would have been used instead. AccordingRead MoreBreast Feeding Advantages and Disadvantages1014 Words  | 5 Pagesadvantages and disadvantages of breast feeding and bottle feeding to find which is better This piece of writing is going to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of breast and bottle feeding to find which method is better. By researching the information that is available then there should be a definitive answer to the question that has been asked. This essay will be looking at both methods, providing both advantages and disadvantages of breast and bottle feeding to conclude which method is
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